Support the Alshech Academy

With your help, the Alshech Academy can grow to become a leading center of Torah learning, bringing Sacred Jewish Wisdom to a global community.

The Alshech Academy is sharing Torah teaching in a beautiful way - the variety of Torah teachings from different angles different subjects and different teacher is very enriching and would contribute to any Jew all over the world.


The Alshech Academy is sharing Torah teaching in a beautiful way - the variety of Torah teachings from different angles different subjects and different teacher is very enriching and would contribute to any Jew all over the world.


The Alshech Academy is an extraordinary academy due to the diversity and richness of these courses.   The Academy is carrying  the light of Tsfat throughout the world and allow those who are furthest away to do teshuvah.

Keren Or


It is a rare opportunity to hear so many magnificent teachers under same roof. You can pick up your favourite topics and tune into YouTube series directly to learn independently topics you choose from start, even after life sessions.

Chaya Lara


Alshech Academy of Sacred Jewish Wisdom

Alshech Synagogue, Old City, Holy City of Tzfat, Israel